Integrated and Circular Technologies for Sustainable city region FOOD systems in Africa (INCiTiS-FOOD)
Funding: Horizon Europe / Project Nr. 101083790
From creating best-fit agri-food technologies and reducing environmental footprint to designing new business models, the INCiTiS-FOOD project will create an inclusive food system in African cities and towns.
Development of a prototype of low-tech, space efficient soilless cultivation (aquaponics) for refugee camps in Jordan (DOLORES)
Funding: Leading House Nordafrika und Mittlerer Osten
The project focuses on capacity building for soilless technologies (aquaponics, hydroponics, bioponics) through a community of practice, interdisciplinary research, and targeted skill development for vulnerable groups.
AQU@TEACH is a unique multidisciplinary curriculum for Higher Education. The 15 module Aquaponics Curriculum (5 ECTS) and the supplementary Entrepreneurial Skills module (2 ECTS) can be taught either using blended learning – combining digital media and the Internet with classroom formats that require the physical co-presence of the teacher and students – or as an instructor-led, cohort-based e-learning course. The modules employ innovative didactic practices suited to blended learning and e-learning to encourage a mixture of student dialogue and collaboration, autonomy, critical thinking, and creativity. All AQU@TEACH resources are freely available.