Participate in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on the EdX Platform:
Aquaponics – the circular food production system

This course is for everyone interested in Aquaponics with a basic understanding of natural sciences
(Biology, Chemistry, Physics) on an undergraduate degree level, for professionals in the sector of
Aquaculture and Hydroponics, and for Aquaponic practitioners who want to expand knowledge on
specific topics.

Watch the free webinar series on Aquaponics, Aquaculture, and Hydroponics::

This webinar series took place in 2024 within the framework of the project DOLORES (Development of a prototype of low-tech, space-efficient soilless cultivation (aquaponics) in Jordan), in cooperation with PRIMA Project FrontAG Nexus ( and the European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance (EELISA). The webinars focus on capacity building for soilless technologies (aquaponics, hydroponics, bioponics) and provide the theoretical background for future operators/owners of aquaponic/bioponic systems, especially in arid countries.