Publications – Aquaponics and Bioponics
  • Junge, R., Schmautz, Z., & Milliken, S. (2024). Toward nutrient cycling from organic waste streams for soilless cultivation. Current Opinion in Food Science, 101257.
  • Gartmann, F., Hügly, J., Krähenbühl, N., Brinkmann, N., Schmautz, Z., Smits, T. H., & Junge, R. (2023). Bioponics – an organic closed-loop soilless cultivation system: yields and characteristics compared to hydroponics and soil cultivation. Agronomy, 13(6):1436.
  • Schmautz, Z., Walser, J. C., Espinal, C. A., Gartmann, F., Scott, B., Pothier, J. F., Frossard, E., Junge, R., Smits, T.H. (2022). Microbial diversity across compartments in an aquaponic system and its connection to the nitrogen cycle. Science of the Total Environment. 852(158426).
  • Schmautz, Z., Espinal, C. A., Smits, T. H., Frossard, E., Junge, R. (2021). Nitrogen transformations across compartments of an aquaponic system. Aquacultural Engineering. 92(102145).
  • Schmautz, Z., Espinal, C.A., Bohny, A.M., Rezzonico, F., Junge, R., Frossard, E., Smits, T.H.M. (2021). Environmental parameters and microbial community profiles as indication towards microbial activities and diversity in aquaponic system compartments. BMC Microbiology. 21(12).
  • Baganz, G.F.M., Junge, R., Portella, M.C., …. & Kloas, W. (2021) The Aquaponic Principle – It is all about Coupling. Reviews in Aquaculture, 00:1– 13.
  • Turnsek, M., Joly, A., Thorarinsdottir, R., Junge, R. (2020). Challenges of Commercial Aquaponics in Europe: Beyond the Hype. Water. 12(1):306.
  • Nicoletto, C. Maucieri, C., Mathis, A., Schmautz, Z., Komives, T., Sambo, P., Junge, R. (2018) Extension of aquaponic water use for NFT baby-leaf production: mizuna and rocket salad. Agronomy, 8(5), 75.
  • Nozzi, V., Graber, A., Mathis, A., Schmautz, Z., Junge, R. (2018). Nutrient management in aquaponics: comparison of three approaches on lettuce, mint and mushroom herbs. Agronomy 2018, 8(3), 27.
  • König, B., Janker, J., Reinhardt, T., Villarroel, M., Junge, R. (2018) Analysis of Aquaponics as an emerging technological innovation system. Journal of Cleaner Production 180, 232-243.
  • Schmautz, Z., Graber, A., Jaenicke, S., Goesmann, A., Junge, R. and Smits, T.H.M. (2017) Microbial diversity in different compartments of an aquaponics system. Archives of Microbiology, 199(4):613-620.
  • Maucieri, C., Nicoletto, C., van Os, E., Anseeuw, D., Van Havermaet. R., and Junge, R. (2019) Hydroponic Technologies. In: Aquaponics Food Production Systems. Goddek, S. et al. (Eds.). pp. 77-110. Springer Nature Switzerland AG.
  • Junge, R.; König, B.; Villarroel, M.; Komives, T.; Jijakli, M.H. (2017) Strategic Points in Aquaponics. Water 9(3), 182.
  • Schmautz, Z., Loeu, F., Liebisch, F., Graber A., Mathis, A., Griessler Bulc, T., Junge, R. (2016) Tomato productivity and quality in Aquaponics: Comparison of Three Hydroponic Methods (Drip Irrigation, Floating Raft Culture, and Nutrient Film Technique). Water 2016, 8(11), 533.
  • Maucieri, C., Nicoletto, C., Schmautz, Z., Sambo, P., Komives, T., Borin, M., & Junge, R. (2017). Vegetable intercropping in a small-scale aquaponic system. Agronomy, 7(4), 63.
  • Sirakov I., Lutz M., Graber A., Mathis A., Staykov Y., Smits T.H.M., Junge R. (2016) Potential for combined biocontrol activity against fungal fish and plant pathogens by bacterial isolates from a model aquaponic system. Water 8:518.
  • Graber, A. and Junge-Berberovic, R. (2009): Aquaponic Systems: Nutrient recycling from fish wastewater by vegetable production. Desalination 246:147–156.
  • Staudenmann, J.; Junge, R. (2003). The Otelfingen aquaculture project: recycling of nutrients from waste water in a temperate climate. Journal of Applied Aquaculture 13(1-2):67-101.